As simple as replacing a battery, the technical post!

It is really hard to reach the red pole.
It is really hard to reach the red pole.
This is how the battery bay looks like
This is how the battery bay looks like

This is the first “technical post” of this blog: how to replace the battery. If you think that a dead battery issue is not technical at all, well, wait and read. Even this basic activity requires some experience with a classic Ferrari. So, first, I had to jump start the engine to go to the garage. First problem: the red pole, the one that matters, is hidden in a maze of other parts, it is really hard to reach with the big clips of a powerful booster, while a less than 900 Amp- smaller clips one will barely turn the lights on. After 3-4 attemps, and a bruised hand, I had to give up and ask a mechanic to come and help. He added extensions, shaped like long screw drivers, to the clips, then pointed them straight on the poles and, after sparks worth a light sabers fight from Star Wars the Mondial started. I will not do it again on my own. Most of us, people with passion unfortunately deeper than our pockets, try to save a few euro by doing the basics at home. So, on the forums, this job on a LHD Mondial is mostly described as requiring a) removal of the front right wheel b) removal of the panel between it and the battery c) lots of patience. Fact is: it works, but it is not the right thing to do. Once in the workshop he instead removed the small tank for the windscreen water, then the panel over the battery, which is not one big piece side to side and then detached the battery, moved it on the side and voila! No wheel job required. Putting it back is the same job in reverse, obviously. Done, 200 euro, labour, parts, visit at home and tax included. The best part of this all is that in the workshop they had a few vintage Alfas, one 308 GT4, one 328 GTS and a 355GTB, so I think they know what they are doing and I also think the will see me again soon to start working on my “list”.

The Battery bay, Mondial QV
The Battery bay, Mondial QV
Done, new battery in place!
Done, new battery in place!